Register for Sells Partner Program Name Mobile No. Email Gender Male Female DOB Address Village/City Pin Code Father's Name Education -------Select---------- 10th 12th Graduate Referance By Aadhar's front Aadhar's Back Selfie Photo Contract of Agency 1.The term of this agency is one (1) year from signing hereof subject to renewal upon mutual consent of the parties. 2.There shall be no employer-employee relationship between the Agent and Property Company of Friends, Inc. ( despite the former's duties hereafter stated. 3.Duties of the Agent: (a)secure, read and comply strictly with all the written policies of PennyVenny; (b)sell exclusively properties of PennyVenny; (c)promptly assist buyers in the execution of all PennyVenny official documents to consummate sales, including loan documents of banks/financing companies; (d)not to move or transfer or cause the credit of his/her sale to another group without the written approval of a duly authorized personnel of Pro-Friends; (e)give at least 30-day notice to PennyVenny in case he/she would decide to terminate the agency; and (f)return all sales kits and materials which he/she had received from PennyVenny upon termination of agency. 4.PennyVenny may at any time terminate the contract when agent: (a)commits any misrepresentation in the application; (b)fails to comply with any of its written policies; (c)commits any act prejudicial to the interest of PennyVenny, its directors, officers, employees, other agents, as well as its projects; (d)falsifies or abets in the falsification of any document for the purpose of generating a sale; and (e)performs any act not authorized in writing by PennyVenny. 5.The above-stated duties imposed on the Agent are not intended by PennyVenny to control him/her but only for the purpose of the orderly conduct of its business. Sumbit